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Event Series Event Series: Easter Sale ONLINE

Easter Sale ONLINE

April 20

It is time for the BEST deal of the year at Casino Pier!

Summer Savings on Rides, Waterpark, Go Karts, Mini Golf and Games!

Online: April 17th – April 21st

On Property: April 18th – April 20th, 11am to 6 pm 

The biggest discounts offered for family fun at Casino Pier & Breakwater Beach!

Better yet, our Easter Cards NEVER expire! So if you can’t make it this summer, don’t worry just save them for the next!

We have some FREE fun events during our Easter Sale as well on the Pier!
Saturday, April 19th, Petting Zoo 1pm-3pm
Saturday, April 19th, Magic Show 3pm
Sunday, April 20th, Animal Show, 1pm
Sunday, April 20th, Photos with the Easter Bunny 1pm-3pm

Save the date and make sure to shop at www.casinopiernj.com/eastersale Easter Weekend!


April 20
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